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WMWA Fighting for Fair at BHP

October 8, 2024 8:51 am

After over a decade of unions being shut out of the booming mining industry, WMWA thinks it’s time BHP shared a fair share of their multibillion-dollar profits with the hard-working men and women in the Pilbara!

BHP is the world’s largest producer of iron ore, with US$28B of their US$55.7B revenue in 2024 coming from WA.

This massively profitable venture employs around 14,000 people in its WA operations. Adding it all up, that’s around US$2M per person, but the workers who leave their friends and families to work 12+ hour shifts in the Pilbara heat aren’t making anywhere near that.

With profits from WA iron ore going up, and Pilbara workers’ wages stagnating, the WMWA is fighting for fair – so BHP will fairly share some of its profits with workers who provide the skills and labor to make it happen.

WMWA began bargaining in August 2024 at BHP’s Area C and South Flank, and is seeking to ratchet up its members for the best possible outcome that will set the standards for workers across the Pilbara.

Our list of claims are built on member feedback that includes fair yearly pay rises, realistic roster options, and ensuring FIFO workers get home on time, just to name a few.

Want to know if you’re getting paid fairly compared to other Pilbara workers? Try our Pay Comparison Calculator and see what your wages SHOULD be.

WMWA standing up and speaking up for fair pay and conditions that fairly compensates the time and skills workers give to BHP.

The WMWA is an Alliance between Australia’s two biggest mining unions the AWU and MEU with more thank 100,000 members combined. WMWA will always stand up and speak up for workers.

If you work in the mining industry in the Pilbara, the WMWA covers you regardless of what your role or location.

Want more info about WMWA’s collective bargaining at BHP?

Check out our latest log of claims

Listen to the MEU podcast episode on bargaining in the Pilbara

Download our latest bargaining update flyer

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